
Technology Triumphs seeks to provide an ‘open door policy’ in relation to communication between staff and parents.

Between Staff

Teachers working on behalf of Technology Triumphs in a subsidary role will be contacted regularly by the Founder, Pip Rothwell, to ensure that standards of teaching and delivery remain high.

Contact will predominantly be in electonic form due to work constraints and limitations between staff – but responses will be within t48 hours. Facebook and E-mail will be the main methods of contact, with reference to individual students being at a minimum in order to comply with GDPR.

Learners will be able to make direct contact with their assessors about their work via their learning portal messaging service.

Pip will endeavour to meet on a fortnightly basis with each sub teacher (virtually due to remote learning).

Formal moderation of work for Entry Level, Level 1 and Level 2 learners will require more formal meetings exclusively for this purpose. These meetings will be set up in advance, to take place at the TT HQ on a regular basis. Whilst certain times of the year will be scheduled for these meetings – in order to allow flexibility for the learner, these moderations may be subject to change in order to fit in with the pace of the learners.

Between Staff and Parents

An open door policy between parents and staff is actively encouraged.

Parents are able to contact their learners assessor directly through the learning portal messaging service.
Parents are also able to contact Pip via email or telephone and Pip endeavours to return contact within 48 working hours.